RH Taxis St Andrews


Student-Friendly Transport Solutions with RH Taxis St Andrews

Attention, students of St. Andrews! RH Taxis St Andrews is your reliable partner for convenient and student-friendly transportation services that cater to your unique needs. Whether you’re heading to class, exploring the town, or planning a night out with friends, our dedicated service is here to ensure you get where you need to go safely and comfortably.

We understand the fast-paced nature of student life, and our commitment to punctuality and affordability makes us the ideal choice for your transportation needs.


Do you need a Taxi?

RH Taxis St Andrews provides the best taxi service in St Andrews and the surrounding area. If you need to book a taxi you can phone, email or use the form to let us know.

Once we have your details, one of the team will be in touch to confirm your booking or discuss the details.

General Enquiries


01334 788123

07740 398 123